...it was sort of fun...
I refused to respond to some of the questions since they were slanted, and I told the poller so. For example, one question was whether I supported offshore and other drilling that would bring down the price of gas -- I told her, first, the oil companies have 68 million acres that they are not drilling on at all, they should start there first; and second, it won't bring down the price of gas, and it's a biased question and I won't answer it. There were a few others like that -- like, regardless of whether you think we should have gone into Iraq, do you think we owe it to them to provide for their security and only do an orderly withdrawal -- I said that question is biased, no one has ever proposed anything else besides an orderly withdrawal, I won't answer that. She also asked which candidate I had supported in the Democratic primaries (I had identified as a Democrat by that time) -- Obama or Clinton? I told her Dennis Kucinich. She said, "Sorry?" ha ha, caught her unable to stray from the script...
Another question was, what is your most important issue: she listed about ten issues, from health care to taxes to "national security". I told her that my most important issue is that we are engaged in an illegal war (I did not say the more accurate "occupation" since I did not want to confuse her), so I guess that falls under national security, but I told her that I declined to answer because national security would be interpreted wrongly.
They also had questions about how "angry" or "concerned" you are about certain issues, on a scale of 0 to 100. One of them was "liberal judges allowing gay marriage" -- I said 0. Another was the fact that a Democratic president would appoint "two or three liberal Supreme Court judges" -- I told her I would answer 0 because not only am I not angry or concerned about that possibility, I am actually thrilled that it could happen!
But they were not all slanted, in fact most of the questions were pretty straight up or down, and the "angry" or "concerned" issues included Iraq and health care and plenty that I do care about and am angry about -- so I answered about 80, 85% of the questions overall.
It was fun!