Summer is here and it's time to dive into the best progressive books... How about a few of these outstanding titles?
Thom Hartmann: Screwed
Arianna Huffington: Right Is Wrong
Bill Moyers: Moyers on Democracy
Keith Olbermann: Truth and Consequences
Rick Perlstein: Nixonland
Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater
Cliff Schecter: The Real McCain
Naomi Wolf: The End of America
If you join the Progressive Book Club today, you can get 3 of these books for just $1 each!
Want more choices? Just ask!
David Brock and Paul Waldman: Free Ride
Sherrod Brown: Myths of Free Trade
Michael Connery: Youth to Power
David Goodman and Amy Goodman: Standing Up to the Madness
Chris Hedges: American Fascists
Chalmers Johnson: Nemesis
Paul Krugman: The Conscience of a Liberal
Bill McKibben: Fight Global Warming Now
Chris Mooney: The Republican War on Science
Charlie Savage: Takeover
Matthew Yglesias: Heads in the Sand
And that's still just the tip of the iceberg!
Every month, Progressive Book Club will bring you the latest and best books on the environment, the economy, healthcare, media, history, domestic and foreign policy, biography, Election '08, fiction and much more. We'll showcase new ideas and new authors for a new progressive era. We'll push back hard against conservative ideology - and help restore intellectual balance and honesty to our political culture.
The Progressive Book Club Editorial Board, comprising some of the brightest and most original thinkers of our time, sorts through thousands of choices to identify the most fascinating, critical and inspiring books to bring to you every month.
Support progressive causes with every book you buy at PBC
Just as important, you'll help to build a powerful movement by underwriting progressive organizations and media with the dollars you spend at Progressive Book Club. Every time you buy a club-priced book from PBC, $2 will be donated to the progressive organization of your choice - supporting the environment, literacy, progressive media and much more.
Join our growing online and offline community of progressive readers
Progressive Book Club will offer the opportunity to interact with authors, progressive opinion leaders and fellow members both online and offline. Beyond the books, PBC offers additional content in the form of videos, podcasts, interviews, author roundtables, and additional reading recommendations to help bring issues to life and deepen understanding and discussion.
Get 3 books for just $1 each - join Progressive Book Club today!
Start with 3 books for $1 each (with membership). As a member, you can buy books at 10-40% off list prices. Most importantly, with each club-priced book that you buy, $2 will be donated to a progressive organization of your choice.
For forty years, American conservatives have been pushing ideas, ideology and a bevy of ideologues to advance their agenda, and books have been among their most effective tools. Now is the moment to showcase our best ideas and thinkers through books and to build on the nation's powerful desire for change in this crucial election year
Please join Progressive Book Club today!,
Bob Fertik