be sure to "reply to all" and use some strong image or opening sentence to grab attention.
An appropriate one for this email would be
Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush, on screen at rear, addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their 106th convention Monday, Aug. 22, 2005, in Salt Lake City. Moyer served in Korea and Vietnam, and in the post-WWII occupation of Germany.
Like Bill Moyer, I call BS on the email you forwarded.
Bill Moyer and his generation fought and worked so his children and their children could live a better life with some measure of security and with the full rights specified in our Constitution.
The email mentioned unions and applauds their early work, then tears them down. Well, the reason people joined these was to win appropriate rights from the companies whose success they helped create. They fought for fair compensation, health care, a safe working environment and pensions, all areas of greater security for their lives and for the workers (their children) who followed them.
They fought for a decent life, for the right to be secure in your own home and being able to hold and express your own viewpoint.
We've now gone through eight years of having these hard fought for rights and securities chipped away by an administration consisting of quite a few people who worked under Nixon and Reagan and who have been carrying on those failed policies of distrust of the American people and disregard for their rights.
And what is the result? We once again have become a debtor nation, with a weak dollar, failing banks and people losing homes to predatory lenders. Where is the security in that?
Pensions have mostly disappeared. Health care coverage resembles a napkin more than a blanket, with ever greater portions of payment needed on top of the insurance, if you're fortunate enough to have any coverage at all. Where is the security in that?
And the Constitution, which expresses the core of our rights? This administration ignores it and undermines it on a regular basis, from limiting the right to assemble to so-called "free speech zones" to illegally wiretapping people. Right to assemble and exercise free speech? Right to privacy and security in your own home? Not so much.
This administration trumpets security, but has torn down the very government agencies that were created to help people be secure. Under their tenure, we watched a major American city drown, almost in slow motion, as far too much time passed before help arrived. FEMA was effective before they tore it apart by staffing it with people who don't believe government agencies should be the ones to help people be secure from or after a disaster. We saw the sad result of this policy during Katrina. Now we hear snippets about how each day more people grow ill from salmonella, but the FDA hasn't been able to even determine what food is the source, much less guide or protect the public. Part of security is ensuring safe food, water and air. Pretty basic, really. With all the talk of security these last eight years, you'd think they would strengthen agencies with that role. That clearly has not been the case.
That doesn't even being to cover the absolute disregard, distrust and disdain shown by an administration that lied to the public to take us to war with Iraq, and that has been gathering probing into and databasing every item it can about its citizens while insisting on full secrecy under the cover of so-called executive privilege for itself.
Accountability? Security? Freedom?
That better life for yourself, your children and their children? Not under this administration and not under the Republican candidate who shares their view of what America should be.