White House Says Bush Library Won't Inform Bush About Its Donors
By Andrew Tilghman - July 17, 2008, 9:07AM
The White House has taken further steps to stamp out the scandal that erupted this week with the release of a video showing a Homeland Security adviser offering access to high-ranking officials in exchange for a big donation to Bush's future presidential library fund.
Talking to the New York Times, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino revealed new rules to prevent the appearance of any quid pro quo.
On Wednesday, Ms. Perino said Mr. Bush had asked that members of his foundation "do not inform him about anyone who has written a check, or decided not to write a check, until after he's no longer president."
That comes on the heels of a Bush library spokesman this week saying the library has decided not to accept foreign donations until after Bush leaves office in January. It remains unclear whether the library will disclose its donors, which is not required by law.