Subject: State Farm Increase
First of all, I'd like to commend Rep. Dennis Ross for putting the "idiot" back in ideologue.
The insurance catastrophe in Florida is not due to lack of competition, but to a lack of regulation. Florida could pass regulations to guarantee insurance companies a small profit at affordable rates, and prevent companies from buying re-insurance from their parent companies. The re-insurance business is a shell game to transfer profits upstairs, and keep rates high at the state level.
This rate increase could be the final nail in the coffin for residential real estate in Florida. What are the banks going to do when overstretched homeowners can no longer afford insurance? What if they refuse to buy insurance? Many homeowners, who a couple of years ago, had a nice equity in their homes, find themselves near upside down on their mortgages. This could be the tipping point.
In the mean time, if we don't run every Republican out of the Statehouse, we can look for another session of debating the virtues of creationism and Truck Nutz.
Here's the story. Right now my rates are over 5 times the rate for the same value house I had in Cleveland.