this is an American Family Association "Action Alert":
Liberals block effort to help solve the energy crisis President lifts ban, but Reid and Pelosi fight offshore drilling
Tired of paying $4 a gallon for gas? Tired of having liberals in Congress block every move to make us energy sufficient? Then it is time to make your voice heard!
President Bush has lifted an executive order banning the drilling for oil off our coasts. This is something which should have been done 10 years ago. But liberal politicians blocked attempts to do so. Because they succeeded, we are now paying $4 for a gallon of gas.
Drilling in proven oil reserves will not immediately provide more oil. Officials say it will take about 10 years to get the new oil to the market. But here is a fact: Ten years from now we will still have an oil shortage if we again fail to begin solving the problem!
Congress still has a ban on offshore drilling. Congress must lift that ban before drilling can begin. Which leaders in Congress are leading the efforts to keep the ban? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). They want to keep us at the mercy of foreign oil for another 10 years. They are more concerned with playing politics than your paying $4 a gallon for gasoline!
It is time that our “leaders” put our families first! Tell them so!
Take Action
Congress is now beginning to act on this problem. If you have not already done so, enter your ZIP code and click "GO" to e-mail your two U.S. senators and representative. Tell them to lift the ban on off-shore drilling.
Forward this to friends and family and urge them to send an e-mail.