Myth: EVs don’t reduce pollution, just move it.
Fact: EVs do reduce pollution. Even if you consider effects from non-renewable forms of generating electricity, EVs reduce emissions by well over 90% – even over the cleanest SULEVs (and that’s not counting political and environmental effects from oil drilling, oil transport, refining, and gas transport to gas stations, and all of the little spills when filling up at the gas station). In addition, electricity can be generated by a variety of sources, including renewable methods such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal. So the generation of electricity can become “greener” by converting from burning natural gas or coal to these renewable methods. There is legislation pending in California to force at least 20% of electric generation to be from renewable resources.
Most Californian households own and operate two or more vehicles. If the primary commute car (80% travel less than 40 miles per day; 50% travel less than 20 miles per day) were swapped for an EV, we would have many more days of beautiful, clear, blue skies rather than the smog, spare the air days, and all of the heath consequences associated with poor air quality.
By the way, it is the everyday driving that accounts for most of the pollution. Using those big, giant, gas-guzzlers for daily travel is far more expensive than driving a fuel-efficient car and renting the big, giant vehicle for those less common road trips.
According to CARB (California Air Resources Board):
* SULEV vehicles are 98% cleaner than cars sold in 1972, but population growth and increased driving will soon overwhelm pollution control efforts, unless Californians turn to new cleaner types of vehicles.
* Roughly 50% of smog-forming pollutants still come from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.
* Even when factoring in emissions from power plants generating electricity, EVs reduce pollutants by more than 90% when compared to the cleanest gasoline-powered cars (without considering the emissions associated with producing gasoline). EVs are roughly 98% cleaner than the average 2002 new car; roughly 95% cleaner than a SULEV.
* EVs also eliminate the evaporative emissions that escape gasoline vehicles.
CARB studies have also shown that more than 95% of Californians live in areas that fail to meet federal or state air quality standards.