Americans live shorter lives than citizens of almost every other developed nation, according to a report from several US charities.
The report found that the US ranked 42nd in the world for life expectancy despite spending more on health care per person than any other country.
Overall, the American Human Development Report ranked the world's richest country 12th for human development.
The study looked at US government data on health, education and income.
The report was funded by Oxfam America, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Conrad Hilton Foundation.
The US report identifies obesity and the lack of health insurance for some 47 million Americans as the most significant factors in premature death.
Among other findings:
* Of the world's richest nations, the US has the most children (15%) living in poverty
* Of the OECD nations, the US has the most people in prison - as a percentage and in absolute numbers
* 25% of 15-year-old students performed at or below the lowest level in an international maths test - worse than Canada, France, Germany and Japan
* If the US infant mortality rate were equal to first-ranked Sweden, more than 20,000 babies would survive beyond their first year of life