I heard him briefly this afternoon, speaking with whichever wingnut non-entity is currently filling in for Rush while Pigboy looks for a new connection. He repeated the lie that "not one drop of oil was spilled as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita". However, like most Republicans, McConnell wouldn't know a fact if one bit him on his flabby ass. According to the U.S. Minerals Management Service, there were 124 offshore oil spills attributable to Katrina and Rita, totalling 743,7000 gallons of spillage. Six of those spills were larger than 42,000 gallons, with the largest totalling 152,250 gallons, well above the threshold used to define a "major spill". Add that to the 471 onshore spills, such as the Bass Enterprises Cox Bay spill (3.78 million gallons) and the Murphy Oil spill in Mereaux, LA (819,000 gallons contaminating 1,700 homes and the local high school), and even an ignorant shitstain like McConnell must acknowledge that maybe "a drop" of oil was spilled after all.