...and anybody else, I don't have a lot of hope it will be heard, but I finally calmed down long to write it out without sounding like an angry, raving lunatic....
Dear Madam Speaker, Mr Chairman and distinguished Members of the House,
I am writing you today to express my concerns about the present condition and future outlook of our Great Nation. I believe the very existence of our Republic is in grave danger. This danger comes from both the actions of the Bush administration and the INACTION of a Congress that somehow has remained paralyzed by fear of a President, who somehow has his role confused with that of a king. Along with his henchmen, he has:
Ransacked the treasury and bankrupted the nation for an unnecessary and illegal "war",with the assistance of this Congress.
Repeatedly and callously lied to the American people regarding said "war"
And worst of all, has REPEATEDLY BROKEN THE LAW, all with absolutely no consequences to date.
When our Founding Fathers fought the Revoultion and established this Great Nation, they made it very clear that we had no use for a king. Instead of being subject to the rule of men (or women as the case may be),the Founders believed We The People could govern ourselves through representatives and be subject only to the RULE OF LAW. For this to work, our leaders must also be subject to the rule of law, and must be held accountable when they break those laws.
Now here we are at Revolution plus 232 years and we have a genuine crisis on our hands.We now have in the White House a "prince" whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant and who is most certainly unfit to be the leader of a free people. He obviously thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with it, and to date, has been provided with good reason to believe so. The ineffective Congress and complicit news media have been criminally derelict in the duties of vigilance entrusted to them.
Now I don't think I need to spell out everything the President and his henchmen have done these last 7 1/2 years, for you full well know what they have done.Many of us in the citizenry have repeatedly tried to sound the alarm bells, only to be rebuffed. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms (and sometimes not so humble) and our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.
Now, Madam Speaker, Mr Chairman and distinguished members of The House of Representatives, you have what appears to be one last chance to do the right thing when the Judiciary Committee hears the Article of Impeachment brought by Congressman Dennis Kucinich,who is obviously one of the last true Patriots left in Washington DC. You all have one last chance to set things right, or as right as they can be at this late date.
The reign of lawlessness by George W Bush, Dick Cheney et al has been one of the very darkest chapters in our Nation's history.
Now, you might ask,"what purpose could Impeachment possibly serve at this late date?". Besides the obvious, that it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO, as well as what the LAW requires, probably the best reason to impeach is that the Bush administration MUST NOT be vindicated in any way by history. The blatant disregard for the law and murderous desire to turn our Great Republic into an aggressive empire for profit must not be rewarded by letting them off the hook.IMPEACH NOW!!
Speaking of off the hook, where is Karl Rove these days? Isn't he supposed to be answering a subponea? Why haven't you sent out the Sergeant at Arms to round him up and bring him in to answer questions under oath? God knows he has a lot to answer for, so how about growing a spine and bringing him in too? Letting him run loose just makes you all look impotent and foolish.
I have a two year old daughter. It won't be long before she goes to school. When she learns about our history and government, what am I going to tell her? It is going to be up to you as to whether I am able to tell her if the description in her Civics book of how our government works is correct, or whether the account of recent events in her History book bears any resemblence to the truth, or is just a made up fairy tale.
What a shame it would be if we, as conscientious and informed parents, had to tell our kids "answer the test this way to get your grade, but here's what actually happened: A spineless Congress failed to stand up to an out of control Executive branch, so now you get to live in a dictatorship instead of a representative democratic republic." And that is exactly what I will tell her because God knows I could never lie to my child. Lying may come naturally to many of you inside the beltway, but many of us out here in the heartland have never developed a taste for it.
I'm going to close with a final thought that I presented earlier in my letter. The Rule of Law or the Rule of Men? God help us all should you all choose the latter.