So here I am thinking to myself, "self, why is price of oil going down?" Speculators have gotten tired? someone found an ass load of oil somewhere? the nice saudi's decided to "open up their spigots" because moron* jawboned them?
Nope, nope and nope.
Well why then?
Well, Obama this past week gave a speech outlining the virtues of diplomacy. Speaking with Iran and perhaps working toward a solution instead of forcing them over a barrel to make changes. I know, smart right?
Well what happens afterward is a straight off the crib sheet of stupidity. Moron* struggling to figure out if Chuck E. Cheese is real or not, says to himself*, "wow, this country is fucked up! I needs to be doin' sumthun to catapult my legacy". So on the tails of Obamas insightful speech, what does moron* do? Gasp! Is he* an enemy appeaser??? (by his* own definition) He* thinks that perhaps some "jawboning", or in the real world, diplomacy with Iran would work!
Wow! what a novel concept. Sigh.
And as a result, the price of oil drops. See folks, world problems do inflate the price of oil. Who could have predicted that????
But something still didn't seem all that kosher in Denmark with the stinky fish.
Then it hit me.
It appears as if our buddy, bendover berneke, is mulling over a federal rate increase because inflation is, well, getting a little to out of hand for the rich. Fuck the poor, the rich need to fuel up their fleet of sport jets.
So why am I suspect? It goes like this.
If he raised the rate earlier, the market would have dropped. However, now that the price of oil is going down and the market is reflecting as such, a rate rise although will still effect the market, it wouldn't be as bad as if he raised it months ago.
so what am I getting at here?
the rich have made their money by selling short. the market is on the rise due to diplomacy and now gives bendover a chance to look like the hero and cut inflation just in time for the elections.
I just wonder what mclames explanation for all of this will be? "see, sometimes we can be responsible"?
Moron* willfully drove up the price of oil to for him* and his* oil buddies. However, now that the economy is tanking, it's time to put the brakes on and look all authoritarian. And ease the price at the pump so people can drive to mclames orchestrated rah rah love ins.
:tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: