's%20hidden%20treasuresThese days even Indiana Jones might think twice about packing his trusty trowel and theodolite for some fieldwork in southern Afghanistan. But guerrillas and foreign armies are no obstacle for archaeologists who are using Google Earth to identify hundreds of new sites. They have also drawn up plans of more than 45 known but previously unmapped sites.
Until recently, satellite images have been too expensive and variable for widespread use by archaeologists. Now Google Earth's freely available high-resolution images are helping David Thomas and colleagues at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, to forge ahead with a project called Archaeological Sites of Afghanistan in Google Earth, which catalogues details of 463 potential sites in the Registan desert. These include mounds called tepes - the remains of ancient mud cities - hand-dug underground water channels and villages.
Thomas has also produced basic plans of sites such as the Qal'a-i Hauz fortress, believed to be a winter dwelling of the Ghaznavid elite of the 11th and 12th centuries. The images show evidence of structures which may have been hides used to hunt gazelle, and raised features probably used to manage water supplies.
The team also drew up detailed plans of the citadel of Bust, the Ghaznavids' winter capital, on the east bank of the Helmand river. It shows evidence of mausoleums, canals and walled gardens. The work was presented at the World Archaeological Congress in Dublin, Ireland, this month.
Glad that at least some work is being done there to locate these sites... perhaps one day they can be studied and preserved.