I have known Bobby for years we stand the line for vets. Here is just some of his rant.
Tonight I was cleaning up my backlog of emails when I ran across another diamond in the rough. I believe its no secert to most up and coming Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Organizations (much like the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) THAT SET THE EXAMPLE ON HOW YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THE OLD DINOSAURS OF THE 19TH AND 20TH CEBTURY VSO's However ,looking at the list of milblogs on Military.com I never realized just how NEOCON the editorial board at military.com had become.
read more of the Major's rant
http://www.VeteransforAmerica.org/index.cfm/page/weblog/subpage/display_blog/bid/2EE3673B-123F-747A-1BEEBE9A397A80D2Like I said this is the way we feel