Elena's trip ( and accuracy or lack thereof) is discussed in this thread over a couple year period.
http://www.uer.ca/forum_showthread_archive.asp?fid=1&threadid=8951&currpage=1Apparently, she only made one trip, it was with a standard tour group (by car). Roads in Pripyat are too bad to be ridden on by bikes (which are forbidden in the Zone). Her father isn't a nuclear scientist. Most of the photos on her website were taken by her ex-husband (who allegedly also owns the bike, but I haven't seen that claim substantiated), but that would have to be since Elena was in many of the photos. As I stated in my post above, some of the photos were "staged", ie: items moved or located for dramatic effect, but most aren't, and they aren't photoshopped.
One of Elena's (who apparently is really named Lena - but that may be just a technicality) biggest critics is a Ukrainian-American woman named Mary Mycia - website here:
http://chernobyl.in.ua/en/homeMary claims to have made about 30 trips to Chernobyl/Pripyat over the past dozen or so years, and has written a book about it. She moved back to Kiev a few years ago and is a legal counselor for Ukrainian journalists. She does give credit to Elena for bringing a renewal of interest in Chernobyl; and interestingly, many of her photos look similar. She also says that although there is a certain amount of danger, Elena overstates it. Mary has pictures of walking through the Red Forest, for instance. She estimates that her total accumulated exposure is less than a dozen transatlantic air flights.
So anyway, who is right - the cute "biker" chick or the cute lawyer/journalist? I have no idea, but I enjoyed the photos and stories of both. You can decide for yourselves.