It is amazing how inanne it is. This is the kind of thing our Democrats will face in NV.]
First, I will post his conclusion, as it just about says it all. I have no patience with them right now, myself...especially since they bragged that Libby was not guilty.
"Let's be clear here. Fox news likes to host Democratic debates in order to maintain the fiction they are an unbiased network. But they also format them in such a way as to send plenty of coded, rightwing messages to their viewers, the most hardcore Republicans in the nation.
Fox News particularly likes to host the Congressional Black Caucus debates for the express purpose of riling and entertaining the racist Republican pigs who watch their network, on behalf of the Republican Party. I know how they're received --- I watched that one in the company of a racist Republican and he got the message loud and clear.
After the Nevada debate the CBC plan another Fox debate for this cycle. It's a big mistake. The CBC and the Democratic party gain absolutely nothing by doing this.
And here are one or two of the comments:
BENNETT: "But I think, in terms of the larger picture, Sean, the more serious point is, if Al Gore and Hillary were watching, if the DLC, the Democratic Leadership Council, was watching, they have to say somebody there may get the nomination, but nobody there tonight..."
..."BILL BENNETT, EMPOWER AMERICA: There wasn't a lot of gravitas, I guess you'd say. I think that would be fair. There was a lot of attitude. There was a lot of dissing Bush. I have to tell you, though, Sean, I found it -- although not edifying, I found it entertaining and interesting. I disagree with Congressman Davis about Dean and Lieberman. This was -- this was Al Sharpton's show. I mean, it was Al Sharpton...
HANNITY: I agree.
BENNETT: ... and eight mostly white, mostly dull people."
...."Fred Barnes: "I think Democrats have one problem in these debates and that is they talk about an America, they criticize what's going on and they create a picture of an America that I think most people don't recognize, you know. It's an America where the Patriot Act is creating a police state and where, as Al Sharpton said, soldiers come home and they can't get an education, they can't get a house, you know. They can't get a job or anything like that."