These were responses to a post about Al Gore in Brussels telling EU leaders that they are going to have to take the lead in solving the Climate Crisis:
From the Freak, err, Free Republic:
To: cripplecreek
That's classic. How long before we put Goracle on Mt. Rushmore and eliminate all the previous white men sculptures who started evil America on the path of global warming ending with the invention of the Karl Rove weather machine.
They are already prepping us for a water crisis on the heels of global warming.
Let's see: Love story, internet, global warming, water crisis.....heck let's just make him Opus Dei of the world for life and be done with it.
10 posted on 03/07/2007 6:53:53 PM PST by Maneesh (A non-hyphenated American.)
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To: AKSurprise
...always hated Brussels sprouts......left a bad taste in my mouth
11 posted on 03/07/2007 6:55:05 PM PST by NorCalRepub
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To: padre35
Rush mentioned on his show that there is a "green eco-friendly" way of having sex ! Anyone know any details on this.
The GW scam is getting out of control and beyond lunacy in a hurry.
12 posted on 03/07/2007 6:57:34 PM PST by Maneesh (A non-hyphenated American.)
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To: AKSurprise
"The EU “has such an important role to play,'’ Gore told reporters in Brussels today"
Yeah Al baby...the demise of the AirBust 380 will sure help clean up the atmosphere.....good job Euroweenies.
13 posted on 03/07/2007 6:58:41 PM PST by spokeshave ("Hitlery is uniting the country. Everybody hates her.")
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To: spokeshave
"Yeah Al baby...the demise of the AirBust 380 will sure help clean up the atmosphere.....good job Euroweenies"
Since the demise of Airbus will result in more business for Boeing I can see the left blaming America even more.
Meanwhile China will soon become the #1 producer of so called greenhouse gases and is exempt from Kyoto and all the associated nonsense.
14 posted on 03/07/2007 7:04:00 PM PST by Maneesh (A non-hyphenated American.)
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To: AKSurprise
"The EU “has such an important role to play,'’ Gore told reporters in Brussels today..."
And those poor reporters, hanging on his every word, were desperate to learn SOME way in which their backwater country was the least little bit important!
15 posted on 03/07/2007 7:08:26 PM PST by Redbob
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To: AKSurprise
Belgium: France without the charm nor the courtesy...
16 posted on 03/07/2007 7:09:12 PM PST by Redbob
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To: AKSurprise
This whole 'climate change' movement spooks me no end. It isn't just that the whole thing is an environmental scare story as Carson's 'Silent Spring' was a scare story; 'Silent Spring' led to the wide-scale banning of DDT, a move that indirectly killed thousands of people in Africa alone since DDT was a major killer of maleria-bearing mosquitoes. I'm not so much unsettled that people are spreading these lies as I am by the motivations behind these lies--and the longterm consequences should any further policy decisions be based upon them. Some, like Gore, use eco-nonsense as a means to gain political power. Others, such as the more unscrupulous members of the scientific community, use it as a means to gain money for their labs or their universities. Others want to cripple the economies of major industrial powers, specifically the US. Still others are filled with self-loathing and view humanity as a cancer, alien to the natural order of things.
Should these people succeed with their agenda, the consequences will make the results of the DDT ban look absolutely mild by comparison. The whole world economy will stagnate as a result. Millions will suffer who would probably otherwise prosper. And people like Gore must know this--that's the thing, that's what bothers me.
If I was the suspicious type, I might think more cynical members of the bunch were performing a role for the sake of some globalist conspiracy; i.e., manufacturing a global threat in order to strengthen global institutions and weaken the sovereignty of participating nation-states. But that's just tinfoil-hat stuff, right?