help! question about angel investors, kiva, and stuff like that.....
Gato Moteado
(1000+ posts)
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Mon Jul-21-08 09:04 PM
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help! question about angel investors, kiva, and stuff like that..... |
as some of you know, i'm here in costa rica. one of my neighbors has a small business in the neighborhood but it's getting hard for him to compete. he has located a property in another town where he could open up shop (he has a hardware store) and he wants to do it because there is no competition there. the property costs about $14k. additionally he would need to put up a house for his family and a building for the store. this would cost another $30k more or less. he has no money but he has a house here that he will sell and he'll probably walk away with $50k to $70k. he can't sell the house until after he has another one ready because his family needs a place to live.
so here's the question. is there an outfit like kiva, where an angel investor or group of investors could raise funds for people in his situation? he would be able to pay back the loan in full once he has his new house and biz set up and he sells his current house. please direct me to any websites you might know of where someone like my friend could possibly find some help.
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Mon Jul-21-08 09:11 PM
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1. Unfortunately, for that kind of money, he needs to talk to a bank |
Microloan outfits are generally limited to $5000 and under.
Gato Moteado
(1000+ posts)
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Mon Jul-21-08 09:43 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. yeah, i think you're right about that |
i think he's gonna have to deal with a bank. and the banks are shitty down here.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:49 PM
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