Website here: wife's friends are trying to encourage her to invest $50, but I recently had a DU'er check it out and confirmed it was a scam a few months ago, preventing my wife from investing into IBC. All we (my wife and I) want to prove that IBC is not worth the $50 that many deaf people are being suckered into this pitfall.
Any links would be a great help and I am definetely thinking about putting together a website to prove that it is fake, and also the best alternatives to invest their money and get a nice return, not $675,000 return for a $50. I don't think it's going to happen.
Any help would be great, especially for deaf people who does not understand how this pyramid scheme works. Sprint has recently shown a movie called "The Deaf Family" and one of the six parts of that movie shown how MZM (similar to IBC Imperia Invest) works. I will ask for that specific video to be released ASAP so I can show how families are affected by this scam.
Their website claim to have 21,500 people signed up - at $50/person it's scamming over 1 million 75 thousand dollars from people who are expecting a return such as I mentioned.