The Democrats were returned to power by the American people because the people demanded the ongoing criminal conduct of this administration be stopped, and that it’s resultant baseless and illegal war on Iraq be ended. But Democrats running for office engaged in a game of political brinkmanship directed from the highest levels of the Democratic Party, for perceived political gains; “Impeachment is off the table” stated Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
The political game which has been engaged in was shrewdly designed to enable Democrats to evade their constitutional responsibilities based on a calculation that even were they to state their opposition to impeachment, it would improve their election chances. It was furthermore done so that any possible damage caused to their election chances by their refusal, would not be enough to keep the people from choosing the only alternative they had to the GOP rubber stamp and it’s accompanying abuse of power by the executive branch. It was cynical in the extreme, and the game continues to this day for the –perceived- longer range political benefit the DLC believes it can glean from allowing the Bush crime junket to continue two more years, hopefully –to them- further imploding the political viability of the GOP. It must end now: No one has the right to remove any constitutional legal process from the intrinsic right of the American people to maintain a society of laws.
That the Democrats stated “Impeachment is off the table” and can claim they did not promise to impeach Bush and Cheney, in no way excuses them from their constitutional obligation to do so now. The American people were offered a Hobsen’s choice in 2006, the nature of which -if allowed to continue- would result, and is resulting in continued and additional criminal activity by the administration. There exist too many grounds for a legitimate impeachment proceeding against Bush and Cheney than can even be reasonably listed here. Like organized crime, in the Bush administration the criminal conduct is not coincidental to the nature, it is the nature. I have no doubt a successful case against the Bush administration could be prosecuted under the RICO statute based on what’s already evident.
Bush’s so-called “signing statements” are alone worthy of causing his impeachment, for they evidence an open and willful refusal to recognize and abide in the law. They are a strict violation of the oath of office and are in fact nothing short of declarations of sedition against the Constitution and Republic. In addition to this, if falsifying intelligence, covering up exculpatory intelligence for the purposes of starting a major war with tens of thousands of American casualties, systematic kidnapping and torture in violation of international law, warrentless wiretapping, and retribution against anyone who exposes acts of high treason –Joe Wilson- which damage national security isn’t a long enough list of serious crimes to warrant impeachment, no crime or crimes committed by an executive ever will be. We are talking about the largest crimes ever committed in the name of the American people, with the most serious -national security, life and death- consequences in our history.
The Democrats must be forced to uphold the law and to act on behalf of a damaged American people. The crimes committed by this administration were not only against the international community and the laws to which it is constitutionally bound as signatories, but are high crimes against the American people collectively. The crimes were committed in our names. We are obligated to end them. There will be consequences of the highest magnitude if the Democratic majority in Congress continues to refuse to act.
http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_jay_esbe_070306_failure_to_impeach_n.htmAmen Brother, Amen...