(You know that if Obama selects Clinton that the GOP were giddy in playing sound-bites of each of them criticizing the other, what about all the fun we could have with McCain and Romney who truly don't like each other).
On McCain's Energy proposals:
"What he's proposing is a cap-and-trade bill that would cost -- according to the American Energy Institute -- would cost the American consumer an extra 50 cents a gallon and on all of our utilities, an extra 20 percent," Romney said.
Romney said the plan from his main rival for the Republican presidential nomination would benefit neither the environment nor U.S. taxpayers.
"This is something which is just unacceptable and frankly because it would not involve nations like China and India it's not going to help the global environment," Romney said.
(from This Week with George Stephanopolus, ABC, 2/3/08)
On McCain being too liberal:
One day before the crucial Florida primary, Romney lambasted the Arizona senator for a host of "liberal answers" to the country's problems. Among them: McCain's legislation curbing money in politics, his more forgiving view of illegal immigrants and his backing of an energy bill that Romney said would raise consumer costs.
"And I just don't think those liberal answers are what America is looking for, not for the Republican Party or for any party, for that matter," Romney said in Fort Myers, Fla.
http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Jan28/0,4670,RepublicansFlorida,00.htmlRomney criticizes McCain on the economy:
“I simply don’t think that the people of Florida are gonna say the nominee of our party ought to be a person who on more than one occasion has expressed lack of understanding of our economy at a time when the economy is the number one issue that people are talking about here in the state of Florida,” Romney said.
http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/01/27/politics/fromtheroad/entry3756414.shtmlHe made McCain lose his cool during a debate about immigration:
"It's not amnesty," McCain shot back after Romney criticized his plan for overhauling the immigration system. "You can spend your whole fortune on these attacks ads, my friend, but it's not true."
http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/related/219312And then there is McCain campaign on Romney being a flip flopper:
"One thing I think we should really give Governor Romney credit for -- he is consistent," McCain said. "He has consistently taken both sides of any major issue. He has consistently flip-flopped on every issue…
"As the liberal governor of the state of Massachusetts, he raised taxes by 730 million dollars, the state is now stuck with a quarter billion dollar debt over government-mandated health system. When he was governor, they had the third or fourth worst economy of any state in America, and the manufacturing jobs left this country at 7%. They left Massachusetts at 14%…As the head of his investment company, he presided over companies that immediately laid off thousands of workers."