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Larisa Alexandrovna: Help Free Paul Minor, Another GOP Political Prisoner

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 04:57 PM
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Larisa Alexandrovna: Help Free Paul Minor, Another GOP Political Prisoner
Edited on Tue Jul-22-08 04:58 PM by babylonsister

Help Free Paul Minor, Another GOP Political Prisoner

Posted by Larisa Alexandrovna, AlterNet at 12:55 AM on July 22, 2008.

Former anti-tobacco lawyer in jail for political bribery awaiting appeal while wife is very ill from cancer.

Editor's note: investigative reporter and editor Larisa Alexandrovna is urging readers rally behind releasing former attorney Paul Minor on bail to help care for his sick wife during appeals of a bribery conviction that he claims was politically motivated.

Minor, 62, built a national reputation and became wealthy by suing tobacco, asbestos and other companies. He was convicted in March 2007 of bribing two judges and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Minor is asking the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans for a new trial. He accuses the federal government of selective prosecution, saying he was targeted by Republican prosecutors because of his large contributions to Democratic Party causes.

Minor's bond request says the conviction likely will be overturned, but it may be too late for him to be at his wife's side.

Alexandrovna writes:

"(Former Alabama Governor) Don Siegelman is out now, but others are not, including Paul Minor. His wife is dying of cancer and he cannot even get out on an appeal bond (just like Siegelman). I ask that you try to help Paul Minor the way you have so kindly been helping Don Siegelman. If you have the time, please write a letter of support to Mr. Minor, who is in prison because of his politics and whose life has been destroyed simply because Karl Rove targeted him. While Mr. Rove is refusing to testify, Mrs. Minor is in the last stages of her illness. So time is of the essence. Congress is dragging its feet, but they can put pressure on the court to release Minor on appeal bond while they investigate these political prosecutions. She should not have to die alone and he should not have to know his wife is dying alone, while he sits in prison for being a Democrat. I know you think this may not concern you, but it does. It might be you in jail one day and who then will speak for you? I have reported on this long enough and collected enough evidence to know that these political prisoners are just that and from all walks of life, including everyday citizens who happened to commit the crime of peacefully protesting the Iraq war.

Alexandrovna has been one of country's foremost reporters following the story of apparent GOP political prosecutions in the South. Her reports, entitled "The Permanent Republican Majority Series," include:

Part One - The Political Prisoner

Part Two - Exclusive interview with jailed governor's daughter, Dana Siegelman 1127.html

Part Three - Running Elections from the White House 6.html

Part Four - How Bush pick helped prosecute top Democrat-backed judge

Alabama station drops 60 Minutes expose on Don Siegelman prosecution ml

Interview with Dana Jill Simpson and alleged Rove smear campaign ays_0225.html

Part V: Mississippi Justice: Bush US Attorney targeted my wife, supporters and friends

Part VI: Break-ins plague targets of US Attorneys ers_0430.html

Justice Department investigating two US Attorneys for political prosecution 04.html

Part VII: Justice for Sale: How Big Tobacco and the GOP teamed up to crush Democrats in the South d-up-with-the-gop-to-crush-democrats-in-the-south/

Alexandrovna urges people write to Minor. His address is:

Paul S. Minor


FPC Pensacola

110 Raby Ave.

Pensacola, FL 32509
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Hydra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 05:01 PM
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1. K & R
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lala_rawraw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 05:09 PM
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2. Let's get this on the front page...
And start a fire going under this case. Unlike Siegelman, Minor has already been in prison for 2 years. One by one, we need to set these people free and prove to the world that we are still a democracy.
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lala_rawraw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 05:17 PM
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3. kick
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 05:56 PM
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4. Kick for more eyes. nt
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tbyg52 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:15 PM
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5. Done. Thank you. nt
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SalmonChantedEvening Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 07:23 PM
Response to Original message
6. K&R for Paul Minor and lala!
Punt this y'all please!!!! :loveya:

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