He don't listen to warnings...Katrina warning meeting....not one question
Aug 6th, 2001...re Osama coming to town....not one question
Invading the wrong nation after 9/11....
Listens to the wrong people on how to conduct the war....Gen Shinseki sent into exile for suggesting we go in with 450000 soldiers
Serves fake turkey to the Troops in Baghdad during Thanksgiving
Has Jeff Gannon come to the White House Press Meetings
Scooter Libby found guilty::: Does not rule out Pardon
Cheney linked to Scooter...something Smells here
Ann Coulter makes a stupid remark...then worse...poses for a photo with a Porn Star...a MALE GAY STAR,,,,OMG
Gets mooned in Sweden by 500 peeps upset over his rejection of the Kyoto accord
Borrows to fund his war....Nat Debt up to 8.9 Trillion $$
Gas prices off the scale....up to $3.00 + per gallon...bush the oil guy gets the blame
Haliburton making oodles of Buck$$...on our tax dollars? Cheneys ole gang? Bushies VP Partner??
Walter Reed Hospital F/U
Vets Benny's cut back
Looks stupid on Dave Lettermans FAMOUS SPEECHES thingy
Opens doors the wrong way in China....OUT .....NOT IN...looks stupid again
Instead of appointing ADVISORS...he hires AIDES...seems confused with the terms
Eats cake with John McCain while New Orleans drowns
Sez he gonna get Osama no matter what....Guess again....after 5 years....Osama might be dead of OLD AGE
Does not listen to his Bosses: The American Voters...who clearly wants outta the Iraqi War....per Nov 7th election...
Does not listen to his Allies re the Iraq War: Germany, France, etc told him to back off.
Does tons of photo ops....all show...no beef.
Does not know how to avoid bike crashes...includes the Segway thingy too.
Does not know how to HOLD the HAMMER PROPERLY....nor...pound a tiny #8 common nail into a 2x4....
Too dangerous with chainsaw and machette...the SS restricts him to carrying branches and shit for the photo ops
Bush fucks it all up for the GOP to the point even Chuck Hagel wants his ass impeached...dats right...a PUB wants him OUT
Rich guys get multi million tax breaks....we get enough to buy a #1 Big Mac a week
Bush has made it very difficult to be a REPUBLICAN these days....my friends who lean right have developed a strange silence...
Come, we go drink...I cannot remember all of it...