Forget Darwin, now they're trying to ban Copernicus! If you thought the assault on Enlightenment rationality couldn't get more crazed, allow us to present Republican Georgia State Rep. Ben Bridges. Mr. Bridges issued a memo to his fellow state legislators in Texas, California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio which decried not only the teaching of evolution, it also attacked the teaching of the notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun (really -- we're not making this up). The memo denounced "...the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion... This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.” We encourage readers to visit the website endorsed by the memo: (as in "doesn't move") for more of this anti-semitic idiocy.* * * * * *
Above OP refers to story (below):
Anti-evolution memo stirs controversyThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Anti-Defamation League is calling on state Rep. Ben Bridges to apologize for a memo distributed under his name that says the teaching of evolution should be banned in public schools because it is a religious deception stemming from an ancient Jewish sect.
Bridges (R-Cleveland) denies having anything to do with the memo. But one of his constituents said he wrote the memo with Bridges’ approval before it was recently distributed to lawmakers in several states, including Texas, California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
“Indisputable evidence — long hidden but now available to everyone — demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion,” the memo says. “This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.”
“I agree with it more than I would the Big Bang Theory or the Darwin Theory,” Bridges said. “I am convinced that rather than risk teaching a lie why teach anything?”
full story here:
I'd say Ben represents the lunatic fringe of the wingnuts pretty damn well, don't you? :crazy: