From Media Matters:
NY Sun headline: "Could Edwards Become First Woman President?"
A March 8 article in The New York Sun, headlined "Could Edwards Become First Woman President?" reported that former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) was endorsed by Kate Michelman, described in the article as "a veteran of the abortion-rights movement." The article noted that "Toni Morrison famously dubbed President Clinton America's 'first black president,' " and added that "the comments of a prominent feminist" -- Michelman -- "are provoking debate about who may lay a similar claim to the title of America's first woman president."
The article included three quotes from Michelman on Edwards' commitment to women's issues:
*"I've gotten to know a lot of political leaders over the years that I've been an advocate for women's rights. I know the difference between those who advocate as a political position and those who understand the reality of women's lives."
*"As a lawyer, as a senator, as a husband, as a father of two daughters, he understands the reality of women's lives. He understands the centrality of women's lives and experience to the health and well-being of society as a whole. ... He understands that on an extremely personal level."
*"He doesn't just understand. You have to begin with understanding. It's an understanding but it is a commitment. ... He understands in a way that is tied to all of his beliefs about lifting everyone up."
The article did not point to anyone engaged in a "debate" about whether Edwards will be given the title "America's first woman president." It also asserted that "
ompared to Mrs. Clinton , Mr. Edwards is short an 'X' chromosome, but listening to Ms. Michelman, that is easy to forget."
The complete piece is at: