Now we've had ad naseum conversations about Hillary Clinton's campaign's and others attempts to formulate an air of inevitability. I myself had stated numerous times that she is indeed a formidable candidate.
But soemthing just recently struck me reading this article"Considering the formidable advantages Hillary Clinton has assembled for 2008, why should anyone feel sorry for her?
Because the Senator is in a trap, and many of her assets have swiftly turned into liabilities. (emphasis mine) This predicament is largely of her own making but also of changed circumstances she did not foresee. Front-runners have often fared poorly in Democratic nominating contests during the last thirty years, especially when establishment insiders promoted an aura of inevitability for them. Hillary is a candidate for the same fate.
Inevitability actually is (or was) her core strategy. For six years, talented ranks of Clintonistas have assiduously worked Washington and Wall Street to create that expectation for her. They promoted romantic yearnings for a Clinton restoration in the age of George W. Bush. They amassed awesome advantages to scare off less famous opponents or, if need be, to crush them. Senator Inevitable has all the money and brains and influential connections. Plus, she has a rock-star-popular husband, the ex-President, who's a brilliant strategist and performer.
What could go wrong? Well, things changed--dramatically--and the front-runner now finds herself scrambling to catch up with the zeitgeist. The watershed election of 2006 confirmed that Bush and the conservative order are in collapse. That inspires Democrats to embrace a far more ambitious sense of what's possible. Senator Clinton, the brainy policy wonk conscientiously calculating her next move, suddenly seems miscast for an era when Democrats are on offense and bolder ideas are back in play"
Greider is right for the wrong reasons. Clinton is indeed in a trap and it is largely of her own making.
What happened when the screwy poll showing her with a lead amongst black voters shifted after Obama declared?
Media storylines started to talk of a campaign in possible trouble. Indeed this article is a prime example of that.
This is Hillary's trap. Her expectations are so high now that to fail to meet high goals will be looked on as a failure.
She could beat people in fundraising but not enough for it to be a blow out.
She could see her position flip with her co-frontrunner or any other candidate several times between now and the primaries. Hell she could be within the MOE.
It does not matter. The media storyline will be the Clinton's floundering campaign.
Thoughts? Slings that I hate Hillary? Arrows that I am a DLC stoolie?