from THE NEW MEXICAN: 7, 2007
The latest internet buzz on Richardson:
I get up, I get down: It's only a straw poll, but Bill Richardson took second in the Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor Party presidential straw poll. (
He beat everyone but Barack Obama. It was just one precinct, and Obama won in a landslide, but hey, it's a start. In the overall poll, Hillary Clinton (324) beat Obama (323) by one vote, with Richardson (176) taking a strong fourth beind John Edwards (115). MyDD summarizes the entire caucus results here. another poll, this one from USA Today/Gallup, shows Richardson coming in 7th in the pack, behind Clinton, Obama, Gore, Edwards, Biden and Wesley Clark (see question 9 in the middle of the linked page). Conducted March 2-4, Richardson dips slightly from the same poll a month earlier. the vote: Richardson's attempts to reach out to bloggers, those non-ink-stained wretches who ride the Internet from the comfort of home, clad in pajamas, seems to be working. He met with bloggers in Iowa, and seems to be impressing them with his "real"-ness.
A Florida blogger takes note (citing the Daily Kos entry we posted about yesterday), and wonders how blogs will affect the election: You can run but you cannot hide. Only Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson would have the guts to sit down with bloggers. I really believe that politicians in the future will have to deal with us if a real groundswell is going to happen.
Political fire: The International Association of Fire Fighters is hosting a bipartisan forum on March 14th in Washington, D.C. Confirmed Dems are Richardson, Clinton, Biden, Dodd, Edwards, and Obama. Confirmed Republicans are Hagel, Hunter, and McCain. Giuliani is listed a tentative.