from Kos: BarbinMD
Fri Mar 09, 2007 at 05:10:19 AM PST
When House Democrats unveiled their proposed legislation for Iraq yesterday, they said that their plan:
...would require Mr. Bush to certify that the Iraqi government is meeting a series of military, political and economic benchmarks. If Mr. Bush cannot verify any progress in Iraq, the legislation calls for the majority of all combat troops to be removed beginning July of this year and completed by Dec. 31. they didn't mention if he had to tell the truth. Three days ago, during a speech to the American Legion, Bush said:
Yet even at this early hour, there are some encouraging signs: The Iraqi government has completed the deployment of three additional Iraqi Army brigades to the capital. They said they were going to employ three brigades, and they did.
But yesterday National Security Advisor Steve Hadley said:
I think the important thing to remember is we've talked about some encouraging signs. We're at the early stages of the rollout of the Baghdad security plan. The additional Iraqi forces are nearing the completion of showing up...The Iraqis seem to be showing up and stepping up. House Democrats should ask, who is going to certify the certifier?