have been reviewing the evidence from the Scooter Libby case just to see if I could find some interesting details, and I stumbled upon those two documents. In and of themselves, they confirm the notion that there are talking points written in the Bush Admin.
However, I believe I have noticed something a little more disturbing in these points. Someone made a change between these two copies of the same document. It was specifically in reference to Joe Wilson's trip and what the intelligence of the US said after it.
The change between the two sets of talking points would seem very small:
It first read:
As late as October, the considered judgment of the intelligence community was that Saddam Hussein had indeed undertaken a vigorous effort to acquire uranium from Africa according to the National Intelligence Estimate."
It is apparent in the PDF of that statement, that the "As late as October" part was stricken, and written over it was a sentence fragment missing the word "trip" that would have made it more complete. I take that to mean this was the original version.
In the edited version it read:
Six months after the Joe Wilson trip, the considered judgment of the intelligence community was that Saddam Hussein had indeed undertaken a vigorous effort to acquire uranium from Africa according to the National Intelligence Estimate."
In the first description of Mr. Wilson's trip in the talking points, it said October. In the second version it was a more vague "6 months".
I wonder if that might have been on purpose.
If this claim made it into the State of Union on January 28th, 2003, and the talking point had mentioned October (2002), in the minds of most a question would have arisen:
“What did US intelligence say between October 2002 and January 28, 2003?”
On the other hand, the different type of information in the later revision of the talking point is vague and talks about six months after Wilson's trip. That question didn't pop into my head when I was reading the second document. I think it might be because of the lack of a hard month, and one would have to think about the amount of time between Wilson's trip in Feb. '02 and the President's State of The Union in Jan. '03.
What's even more interesting about this revision in the talking point, is that we now know that in October of 2002 right before the President's speech in Cincinnati, OH that the CIA made sure that the Niger yellowcake information was out of the speech.
But the real kicker is this:
The President referred to “the British government” when talking about the Niger claim.
To this day, the British have not reversed their opinion on the Niger yellowcake, they still believe Saddam sought it.
I don't know if you folks noticed it, but I just proved they manipulated the intelligence.There is no reason to refer to the British intelligence on this matter (or even more obliquely their “government”).
Right after Bush talks about the yellowcake in the 2003 SOTU he talks about “our intelligence”.
Why not talk about “our intelligence” when it came to yellowcake?
We know that “our intelligence” said it was a dubious claim.
This shows they intended just to make the most threatening case to our people, not to make the most accurate one.
They knew in October, at the White House, that this intelligence was false, yet the President still had it in his SOTU.
That is a deliberate obfuscation.
Here is the President's State of The Union from '03: