He is doing his best to try to humiliate the strongest and proudest military on earth, that of the USA, by putting our brave soldiers and commanders in a position where THEY CANNOT WIN.
What he has done to the image of our military is not only regrettable and unthinkable, but it's as shameful as it possibly gets that a commander in chief could possibly do this to his own people. Bush is trying his traitorous best to turn our military into the laughing stock of the world, and that, folks, is very sad. Our brave men and women overseas don't deserve anything like this, let alone die or get maimed under the false pretenses that Bush has laid out for them.
It's no small wonder that every soldier, every general, & every military strategist out there secretly despise him for his deplorable attempt to turn our military into a shambles, but they remain silent out of loyalty to their comrades and out of a sense of duty to their country.
When you do something that backfires and then you try to correct it, then you can say it was an honest mistake. But when you fuck something up so fucking bad, and then insist on doing more of the same, well that means you're simply fucking things up on purpose. Anyone who's purposely done what Bush has done to the image of our military and the image of our country is far and away THE most unpatriotic American on earth, bar none.