Heather Wilson.It wasn't until Congress subpoenaed a U.S. Attorney who was fired to make way for a Bushevik enforcer that Republican Congresswoman Heather Wilson fessed up. You see, the New Mexico U.S. House member had called the fired U.S. Attorney to try and get him to speed up a corruption investigation of a Democratic office holder in the southwestern state.
Wilson doesn't remember it that way, but she didn't "remember" the phone call at all until the U.S. Attorney was about to tell a Congressional committee of Wilson's conversation with him: "Iglesias
testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that in the Oct. 16 phone call, Wilson pressured him for details about sealed indictments."
"The second she said any question about sealed indictments, red flags went up in my head," Iglesias said. "We cannot talk about indictments until they're made public. We specifically cannot talk about a sealed indictment."
Wilson, no doubt, will go from denial to admission to hiring a criminal defense attorney, as did GOP Senator Pete Domenici, also of New Mexico, who went the same route of trying to interfere with a federal investigation...
More here: http://gophypocrites.com/2007/03/hyp07010.html