Robert Greenwald
Fox is Not News
A passionate and intense collaboration between the netroots, and media activists, and MoveOn, and the video we created at Brave New Films, has led to the wise decision by the Nevada Democratic Party to cancel the Fox-sponsored debate.
Many heroes in this battle, from Senator Edwards showing wonderful leadership, to Senator Harry Reid working to change the course of a decision that was an error from day one, to the Nevada Democratic Party who realized that they could not be party to helping the distortions and lies of Fox, to Matt Stoller's and Markos's important posts, to MoveOn's leadership.
Going forward the message is clear: Fox cannot continue to pretend it is news, Roger Ailes supposed jokes last night merely reinforce and remind people of his past as a political hack and attacker. The fight for truth is a long one, and this is an important step along the way.