The plundering of Mideast oil ain't going so well, and global corporate predators are taking a beating in South America--after years of hard work on transparent elections by local civic groups, the Carter Center, the OAS, and EU election monitoring groups, and thus the election of leftist (majorityist) governments in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua, and the potential future leftist victories in Peru and Paraguay, and eventually in Mexico and Guatemala, and maybe even in Colombia. Global corporate predators are actually having to negotiate with third world countries on fair terms, and are having to pay their taxes. They don't like democracy one bit. Further, these countries are moving toward a South American Common Market, in which their strength in numbers and common political and economic clout, can enforce precepts of fairness, justice and regional benefit. This is one big reason Bush picked Brazil and Uruguay. These two were having a small spat within Mercosur (So. American trade group, probable precursor to So. American Common Market), and Bush is there to try to drive a bigger wedge between them, and also between Brazil and the Andean democracies (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia--all rich in oil, gas, minerals and other resources). Regional cooperation--such as the new Orinoco Bridge between Brazil and Venezuela, and Venezuela using some of its oil riches to help bail Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador out of onerous World Bank debt--seriously threaten global corporate predator power in South America. His other three stops are to deliver billions of our future tax dollars to the rightwing paramilitaries in Colombia--Bush's natural allies--who are currently suffering a huge scandal about drug trafficking and mass murder (and a plot to assassinate Hugo Chavez); to schmooze with the rightwing thugs in Guatemala (where Reagan's henchmen slaughtered 200,000 (!) Mayan villagers in the '80s), to try to stop the big leftist movement there; and Mexico, to applaud Calderon's stolen election and his repression of the uprising in Oaxaca (hundreds of tortures, rapes, disappearances), and probably to force the privatization of Mexico's oil.
Reinforcing the rightwing thug factions in Latin America, and preventing a South American Common Market, are likely the coin Bush has to pay his puppetmasters for their continued propping up of the Bush Junta, and perhaps keeping Bush and Cheney out of jail.
It appears on the surface to be a loony adventure. It is not. Also to be noted: John "death squad" Negroponte is now Bush's Undersecretary for Latin America. This appointment alone is a direct threat to South American leaders. If they form a Common Market and a common currency (go off the US dollar--also being discussed), blood will flow. Bush the Enforcer is delivering the message in person.
But it IS loony from the perspective of ordinary people, north and south. U.S. soldiers are getting blown up every day in Iraq, and more Iraqis are dying in the civil war that Rumsfeld instigated. Bush has ordered thousands more troops into danger. The mistreatment of the wounded has become a huge scandal. We have a $10 trillion deficit. Our country is bleeding revenue into the pockets of war profiteers and the super-rich. Thousands more jobs are outsourced every week. Our emergency services are in shambles. Our food sources, medical prescriptions, clean water, environment, all in peril--nothing is safe. All agencies have been gutted, and Bush toadies put in charge. Our National Guard is decimated. The drug lords and the Taliban are back in charge of most of Afghanistan. Our Constitution has been shredded. And * is off to South America to do the Corporate Rulers' bidding. It is more than lunatic. It is obscene.