In case you forgot, like I had, we do indeed have a Katrina czar, and his name is
mud Donald Powell.
http://www.wwltv.com/topstories/stories/wwl030807tppowell.3101075a.htmlPresident Bush’s top man in charge of the Gulf Coast recovery said that 18 months after Katrina, conditions in New Orleans are ‘better than he thought’ they would be....
One thing that was addressed by area leaders during Bush’s visit last week was the issue of the 10 percent total the state is expected to pay for most of the work done by federal agencies.
When asked why the 10 percent total had been waived 32 separate times in recovery situations, but not in this one, Powell said that the 10 percent total was negotiated with state leaders prior to a second major allocation of Community Development Block Grant money. He said that there was money allotted to help the state pay their portion of the cost....
Powell insisted that insurance was a state issue and not a national issue and that he thought that the market would eventually work itself out, with prices peaking and then coming down."Eventually"? Like when? After everyone leaves and there's nothing left to insure? :grr:
"Better than he thought"? So what did he think it would be like? People still stranded on the overpasses?! :grr: :banghead:
But never mind me: for further commentary, we go to the incomparable Gentilly Girl, who wants Powell's head on a pike in her yard!
http://gentillygirl.com/2007/03/09/i-want-don-powells-head-on-a-pike-in-my-yard/WTF exactly does Powell mean by this? Better? Dammit! Folks have no homes, no jobs, no healthcare, no Psych care… Freakin’ nothing after 18 months of living in Post-Federal Flood New Orleans. That cesspool called NYC got immediate relief after some Saudis decided to crash planes into the WTC. We here in New Orleans are still trying to rebuild our lives a year and a half later whilst wading through red tape and misery.
And then this walking penis states that, “Things are better than he thought they would be.”? Shit white boy… we have recovered much faster than this from natural disasters, but I just guess that it being a Federally mandated catastrophe makes stuff different. Wake up and smell the mold asshole: WE ARE NOT FREAKIN” OK! (Only a policy wonk could see things this way.)
Donnie boy? I want you to walk through Gentilly with me, through the Lower Ninth, Mid-City, Lakeview and NW Carrolton and then look me in the eye and explain how things are doing better than your guv’mit expected. I want you to face me and tell me what you jerks “expected” to happen. Then I’ll behead your sorry ass and place your pained expression on a pike in my front yard.
The excesses and material nature of your National Culture are slowly killing us down here in the swamps. You pay lip-service to helping us rebuild after a Federally created disaster to our lives. I want your damn lips to kiss my panty-clad ass, and then make things right.Anyone got a pike in their garage I could borrow?