I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but it bears repeating. (sigh)(sob)
(to say nothing of the 60,000 war-divorces, the link to which I've lost track of, but am willing to dig up if pressed.)
Story at:
http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2007/03/10/berman_photo/Bottom line: white republicans (yes, *white* - once again, "ain't no
ever called ME "nigger") want to kill {insert faux undesirable group}s. This is the price of their desire - their fundamental refusal to deal fair-and-square, and their fundamental refusal to acknowledge previous wrongs done. They're willing to sacrifice *their own* (as long as they're poor enough to be as worthless as brown-skins, in their view) for the sake of not publically acknowledging their cowardice, meanness, and bigotry.
This is the price of "American Exceptionalism" as classically expressed by roger ailes: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/03/09/fox-democratic-debate-rip/
A world without *this kind* of America, {inserted on 3rd edit: *could be*, contrary to ailes' predicatably impoverished imagination,} a world in which America deals fairly with both American citizens, and citizens of the world. Such an America would exist in a world in which *that kind* of marriage wouldn't take place.
jesusfuckingchrist republicans are evil people.
EDIT: "classic" -> "classically"
EDIT EDIT: Still cleaning up typos...
FINAL EDIT (gotta give it up sometime): If this picture isn't a war-ender, none is.
TRULY FINAL EDIT: I gave short shrift here to the 10^(3+) Iraqis killed. That was neither intentional, nor even to unconsciously attribute more intrinsic importance to Americans than to "others". The reason for the asymmetry is indexical - the same as the reason the following phrase exists "cutting your nose off to spite your face". It is, in all likelihood, wrong to cut someone else's nose off - but there's got to be some sense in which a "higher committment" to wrongdoing is expressed by one's willingness to cut *one's very own* nose off. That's the idea I was aiming at here.