Start today making the rightwing conservative fundamentalists 'stake out' what is unacceptable in a Republican nominee.
Make them reiterate on camera and in writing their stances on adultery, multiple marriages, abortion rights, stem cell research, gay rights, gay marriage, any denomination other than evangelical Christians, etc. We already know what their positions are on all these issues. However, there is no Republican nominee today, and before there is one to vote on, we need to help them get their message out 'to their followers' as to what is 'unacceptable' so that when there is a vote on the Republican nominee they cannot change those positions without being hit with television ads showing their clear hypocrisy on endorsing any one of these 'non-qualifying' candidates.
Next I would begin strengthening the bridge to 'fiscal conservatives' and not cede them automatically to the Republican Party. After all, we are the Party that will have to clean up this fiscal disaster that Bush has visited on this country. We already reinstituted 'Pay As You Go' as a requirement for new spending. This is an area we can pick up real votes by demonstrating what we have done and are doing, rather than just talking about it like Republicans. And we have George W. Bush and his Congressional record to run on.
Then we need to highlight the massive corruption that has permeated the Republican Party and caused huge damage to our military and their families. The Republicans have been in control, and the evidence is everywhere.
WHile the War in Iraq is paramount, we need to be honest with the AMerican people that this is going to end badly, and that George W. Bush and his Congress 'own' this war and it is going to take Democratic leadership to end it and bring the troops home. We need to speak directly to the American people and take on the MSM that tries to paint us as 'not supporting the troops.' IF voters see us doing something other than passing 'non-binding resolutions', then the people will support us --and let the Republicans attack us and vote against our efforts. THey will pay for it at the polls. We all know this will end badly, we need to get out in front of the bad news or we may end up 'owning it' as Feingold has pointed out.
Peeling away the groups that make up the Republican coalition should start today. Otherwise, the corrupt money will saturate the airways, and the message will be lost.
What other groups could we 'peel away' from Karl Rove's Republican coalition? And which groups can we add to the Democratic coalition?