You think John McCain was pandering to the ultra conservative this research by the DNC.
Romney’s Smooth Talk Gets Stormy Response In Sunshine StateIn his desperation to dig himself out of single digit poll numbers among Republican primary voters, smooth talking Mitt Romney has created a real mess for himself in the Sunshine State. In his mad dash away from his real record, Romney is pandering to conservative activists across the country by taking positions that put him squarely at odds with key Florida voters.
During Romney’s last Florida visit, he showed his loyalty to big oil’s big donors by endorsing offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1994, he told Massachusetts voters he would protect Social Security. Now, eager to please the special interests who backed President Bush’s failed Social Security privatization plan, Romney supports “reducing benefits” and has hired the architect of the Bush plan as a campaign advisor. On immigration reform, Romney struck a moderate tone, favoring a path to citizenship for undocumented workers as recently as 2006. But now, with conservative activists looking for tough talk, Romney is bashing undocumented workers, bragging about trying to federalize the state police, and calling for English-only education just days before launching Spanish language ads promoting his appearance in Florida.
And he supports off shore drilling in Florida.
Romney Supports Offshore Drilling in Florida. “Romney said he supports an environmentally sensitive plan for offshore oil drilling that would not impact Florida tourism. He didn't go into specifics, but Floridians, liberal and conservative alike, agree that offshore drilling is unpopular in the state.”
Romney: If We Don’t Drill, Castro Will. Romney on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico: "If we don't do it, Castro will." He later added, "Clearly to have a foreign country drilling in waters that are off our coast doesn't make a lot of sense, but it does make sense, in my view, for us to develop our natural resources here…" New Mitt supports deep cuts in Social Security now, hired the architects of Bush plan to privatize it.
Old Mitt: Supported Social Security, Pledged Not To Not Cut Social Security. In 1994, when Mitt Romney ran for U.S. Senate, he said he would not cut Social Security to meet his goal of balancing the federal budget. Romney said, "I don't think you go back and rewrite the contract the government has with people who've retired."
New Mitt: Weighing Deep Cuts to Social Security. “Romney is weighing… deep cuts in automatic-benefit programs such as Medicare and Social Security… Romney aides say he is intrigued by the ideas of Democrat Robert Posen who served on Bush's 2001 Social Security Commission. Posen's plan calls for ‘progressive indexation’ that maintains the current Social Security benefit formula for the poor while providing gradual benefit reductions for wealthier individuals.”
That's only part of the research there. We saw McCain turn into a simpering person in front of the so-called conservative groups. Now we see Romney doing it.
Good for the DNC research team for pointing it out.
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