First the good. Our prospects of passing good legislation is better than in quite some time. While Bush's veto pen awaits, if he does veto popular legislation such as ENDA, he will pay a price. If we are lucky we get our rights. If we don't we get an issue with which to beat him and his party. James Ameachi's coming out sets a new precident in gay athletics. And now we are hearing of progress on Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Now the bad. There was the truely horrid story of Andrew Antrois a 72 year old man who got beaten to death in Detroit. Sadly, it appears not to even be making a dent in the nation's psyche. Unlike Matthew Sheppard, Andrew hasn't been the object of a large media presence. Instead his life seeped out of him in virtual silence. A 72 year old man dying in near media silence. Along with the silence of the media is the silence was a silence among Michigan officials. No one spoke at his vigils.
Now the ugly. The sinfully ugly. Ann Coulter went to the ACU and called John Edwards a faggot. The next day she spoke at a Reclaiming America for Chirst rally. Somehow I think somewhere in Heaven Jesus was vomitting.
Finally the funny. At the same ACU conference we met a gay porn star who claimed he had been mistreated due to his military service. We couldn't make this up.
It is hard to know what to make of this news. We sure live in interesting times.