Lashes Out at US Over Human Rights Report
Moscow criticized the US State Department's annual report on global human rights Friday, saying its assessment of the situation in Russia was skewed, confrontational and aimed at furthering US political interests.
<snip>The ministry said Russia had expected the report to be prejudiced.
"Washington has long practiced double standards in the sphere of human rights, depending on whether one state or another acts in accordance with (US) political interests," the statement said. "These standards are particularly clearly visible against the background of what is happening now in Iraq, Afghanistan and at the military base in Guantanamo with the participation of the US armed forces."
At home, the statement said, "the United States under various pretexts limits democratic freedoms, interferes in the personal lives of its own people, effectively carries out censorship of the media and sends minors to the electric chair."
It said the US report was based partially on "tendentiously conveyed" information from a reports by Russia's human rights ombudsman, saying: "By the way, unlike in Russia, in the United States such official reports - on the human rights situation in its own country - are not produced."