Edited on Sun Mar-11-07 10:02 AM by sam sarrha
problem is that these are Life time Professional Psychopaths and they are very good at what they do and covering it up, they curry favor with the powerful and do their dirty work for them that makes them the Ultra Rich.. and in turn they are protected. Ollie North is a good example.. respected commentator, Journalist, TV talking head, Traitor.
and Newt, who stoled money from his poverty stricken black kids scholarship fund to make Fascist NeoCon video sets of lectures at a RACIST WHITE COLLEGE. i heard he committed 5 to 7 Felonies in the process of his crimes and made a deal to resign and stay out of politics for a few years and went FREE.. the cabinet of * is the the cabinet of Reagan and his father.. same old psychopathic bullSh*t.. death squads, financial corruption, banks/real-estate failures.. poverty, suffering, ruined lives and potential of the poor and middle class, not to mentions the horror of the poor bastards they wage war on for profit
these Psychopaths care not who they hurt in the process of serving their Robber Barron Masters, they are hired guns and protected and proud of it, they delight in the suffering the cause