I will continue to vote Democrat until a better party comes along simply because Republicans come off as being just plain evil to me, but really, I doubt they will make a difference at least in my lifetime.
Is anything really going to change?
1) Health care: It may improve, but I doubt it. There probably will never be a day when anyone can walk into a U.S. hospital and be treated equally.
2) Slave Wages: We need reform that's more than a regular step up in minimum wage. I am more for a living wage policy that might be more complex in terms of deciding who gets it, but I think that it's the only civilized approach.
3) War and Peace: With the science and technology we have today I refuse to believe we can't find ways to peacefully resolve most conflicts. But the military industrial complex is embedded into our economy, so the killing will likely never end.
4) Energy: I know research is being done on clean energy, but it seems to be on a timetable to be completed only after all the oil runs out. It probably will be too late by then.
5) Corporate Interests: There really are a lot of ways we can change the way corporations operate. We can make them act in a more socially responsible manner. Will we? I doubt it.
Sorry for being so pessimistic.