At our demonstration on Saturday we had a lot of police presence. They demanded that we move our signs away from the road by 15 feet (county ordinance) but since our group has been at this same intersection since 2005 we wanted to see proof of the ordinance. The officer said, "I don't have to provide that information and I don't want to". The other officer was smarter. He called his boss. The Sargent came out with his laptop and spoke with us and indeed it is an ordanance (no one cares about the SELLYOUR HOUSE CHEAP Call 1-800- stealyourhouse.com signs.) They are fine really close to the road, but our signs, "Bring the Troops Home", "BAD WAR", and "WAGE Peace" might cause people to throughly lose control of their vehicles and fucking think for a change, a dangerous activity in Prince William County.