Lobbyists could no longer "give" money legally
Super-rich could no longer spend "their own" money
"Ordinary people" would have equal financial footing with the "pros"
In the digital age, there is NO REASON why there is not a special "Politics channel" that gives FREE AIR time (in equal increments) to ALL qualified candidates
With NO need for pricey ads, the main costs would be transportation to and from political events and staff expenses.
Primaries need to be REGIONAL, so that there's a major TV market in each one, and they should be spaced far enough apart, that travel between primaries would not be unreasonable.
Debates (REAL DEBATES) need to go back to the League of Women Voters.
Once IDEAS and PLANS become the focal point of elections, we might just start getting some principled people in congress.
Anyone caught getting "money for votes" from lobbyists, would be subject to immediate dismissal and indictment (lobbyist AND legislator)
Once the primadonnas start getting ousted, there would come a time when people who really want to make positive change, would be in charge and we might start getting things taken care of.
What if 70% of congress was truly against the war, and felt comfortable VOTING that way?
What of 70% of congress felt that national health care was necessary, and felt comfortable voting that way?
the crew we have now is always conflicted because they have to say one thing to get elected, and then they have to pony-up to the people who gave them the money to GET there, so guess whose interests get sold out?
Of course since republicans favor bankrupting the treasury every chance they get, they probably are secure in the thinking that "people will never go for this idea" because "we cannot afford it"..
I say we can no longer afford NOT TO!
regional primary map