"They" don't do that.
1. "They" are pathologically incapable of admitting they've been (or done) wrong. Only when confronted with incontrovertible evidence of their wrongdoing and forced to do so -- Newt's confession of marital infidelity, Haggard's confession of gay sex, etc. -- will they acknowledge their deeds, but their professions of remorse are false and meaningless. NEVER accept their apologies. NEVER.
2. Their followers are pathologically incapable of admitting their leaders have been (or done) wrong. Even when confronted with incontrovertible evidence of their leaders' wrongdoing, the followers will offer excuses, denials, explanations until they are blue (pun intended) in the face, but they will NEVER admit their leaders are less than perfect. NEVER. NEVER
3. These people -- leaders and followers together -- make up approximately 25-30% of the general (U.S.) population. They have achieved prominence and power because they are loud and determined and forceful and will use ANY means to succeed. They have no morals, no scruples, no conscience, no sense of right and wrong; for them, what's right is whatever they want. The only way to "defeat" them -- "defeat" meaning to keep them from holding or grabbing more power -- is to a.) Shut them up and deny them any "mainstream" forum for spewing their evil propaganda; or b.) Forcefully counter them at every opportunity. DO NOT allow them to have the last word. DO NOT let them "get away with it." DO NOT be polite and tolerate their "different point of view."
They are nazis. They are fascists. They are evil through and through.
Tansy Gold