It doesn't seem to be going over too well with the conservative base. This may be the one video that does him in:
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gophoya1 (4 minutes ago)
If Mitt Romney's positions from 1994 and 2002 are off-limits, then certainly so are Giuliani's from 1989. Come on, conservatives. None of these top-tier candidates deserve our support. Let us be consistent and unite behind Huckabee!
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asdffd (10 minutes ago)
I just wanna know how he justifies having the government pay for abortions. Wasn't he raised a CATHOLIC? Didn't he consider himself a Catholic when he said all this. I remember Catholic priests refused to give Kerry Communion because of his stand on abortion- and I don't recall him ever favoring having the gov't pay for them. Rudy is WORSE or at least as bad than Kerry when it comes to ABORTION. Does he still consider himself Catholic or is he some other religion now?
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covakid (11 minutes ago)
I saw Gianna Jessen on TV a few weeks ago, she was "born" on April 6, 1977 at 7 1/2 months old. She is a survivor of an instillation abortion. Both Gianna's birth mother & abortionist involved (Dr John Edwards) have confirmed it. She is pretty amazing person, so full of life. More -> Wikipedia & find the TV interview (19 min in the show.)
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rodneybk (17 minutes ago)
"If you feel that abortion is wrong, then don't have one." and with the same reasoning... If you feel the war in Iraq is wrong, then don't enlist in the military.
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xalt3d (17 minutes ago)
He screwed the pooch on this one. He should have known better than to make such a concrete statement on such a polarizing issue. Of course, when you're a DA you can find peace with being open and honest...He looses my vote.
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xalt3d (19 minutes ago)
You wont see him get past the primary.
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neilgunter (20 minutes ago)
PUBLIC FUNDING? Oh sure, who's going to pay for it? The fiscally responsible? The man is a Marxist, just like Schwarzenegger.
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asdffd (20 minutes ago)
How can you claim Rudy is for smaller government when he advocates setting up a program for tax payers to pay for abortions! That's a contradiction. Having the government set up a program to pay for abortions will by its very nature necessitate bigger government. Of course there is also the fact most Republicans find abortion morally repugnant.