Citing his "upbringing," the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff proceeded to enjoy a freedom denied to the vast majority of those he outranks: giving his candid view on "don't ask, don't tell," publicly and on the record.
For my part, I'm glad to see that he didn't soft pedal his answer - because it serves as a stark wake-up call for those who may be laboring under the false belief that DADT has rendered the issue moot.
However, I'm a little bit stunned at how tepid the response has been here.
Imagine, instead, if Pace had shared how his "upbringing" informs his view of Muslims' beliefs.
How Pace views gays - inherently "immoral" - raises questions about how he views the GWOT (that's the acronym in military circles for the Global War on Terrorism), and how he views Muslims.
True military leaders like General Wesley Clark have wrestled with this issue, and many have overcome their own "upbringing" and biases.
In the GWOT, we need thinkers who are capable of seeing things in shades more subtle than black and white.
In the GWOH - that's the Global War on Homophobia - we could use some more vocal allies, too.
- Dave