If you take a big step back and take a big breath, it is utterly amazing how much effort the WORLD is going through to put up with, enable, deal with, and be hurt by just one simpleton - the kid that causes infinite angst for the school and the teachers. Instead of dealing with the root cause - the individual - all sorts of rules are changed, conflict arises, fundamentals changed - when all that is really needed is for the root cause to go away. Impeachment - actually, conviction and imprisonment is more appropriate - but am I the only one that is seeing the main point emerging that days, weeks, months, years of newscasts....reams of newspapers and political magazine pages....choking airwaves - all because no one seems to have the balls to stand up to the silver spoon, enabled, inappropriate, mentally challenged person who is the so-called leader of the free world.
Because, all through life, it was all about him - it now really is all about him. This is simply unprecedented. This is indescribably sad. So much blood on his hands. And so few profiting from his illegitimate presidency.