Edited on Tue Mar-13-07 12:38 PM by RiverStone
On the progressive side of our party, you have the Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus - which includes about 75 house members - and the conservative side, the Blue Dogs DEMS - about 44 house members.
Most at DU (myself included), identify with the liberal/progressive wing of the party.
Sadly and very frustratingly, Nancy and Co. have capitulated way to damn easy on Shrub's use of executive powers on the Iraq war and now it looks like Iran too.
I was pleased with our first 100 hours on The Hill; and the good legislation that got passed during that time reminds me that indeed, our party does stand for something far different then the rethugs.
Yet ruling from the Majority has for what ever reason, seemed a more challenging task then Nancy or Harry may have figured. Their mantras going into the 06 election was to limit Shrub's use of executive power and change the direction on this tragic war in Iraq. In both cases, many of us have been disappointed. One line of thinking is compromise - big compromise because we simply don't have the votes. I don't buy that mentality. If one assumes that no votes or minds or hearts can ever be changed, then accept that defeatist view.
I'd rather go down in defeat fighting for the principals that brought us into the majority, then give in to rethug threats. If we stand by our principals, we will hold the obstructionist rethugs to the light on this crazy war. By offering too much compromise, we blur the lines between what makes DEMS and rethugs different.
We stand our ground, I believe we WILL eventually win on limiting Shrub and DE-escalation. We will win because we truly are representing the majority will of We The People that voted last November.
I'm a life long DEM voter and plan to stay that way. I'm grateful we do not march in lock step.
I will do all I can to speak out to our party leaders who need to learn how to govern as the Majority Party.