you had a look at this story last night - as I did - the 2nd to 5th paras read.
"Last October, President Bush spoke with Mr. Gonzales to pass along concerns by Republicans that some prosecutors were not aggressively addressing voter fraud, the White House said Monday. Senator Pete V. Domenici, Republican of New Mexico, was among the politicians who complained directly to the president, according to an administration official.
The president did not call for the removal of any specific United States attorneys, Dana Perino, a White House spokeswoman, said Monday. She said she had “no indication” that the president had been personally aware that a process was already under way to identify prosecutors who would be fired.
But Ms. Perino disclosed that White House officials had consulted with the Justice Department in preparing the list of United States attorneys who would be removed.
Within a few weeks of the president’s comments to the attorney general, the Justice Department forced out seven prosecutors."
This crucial info was pounced on by Josh Marshall in the early hours of the morning as you can see the story now leads off with a bunch of crap from Gonzales - and these paras - which surely are more newsworthy appear at the bottom of the first page and on the second page.
Frankly this smacks of quisling behaviour from the times editors. I would be willing to bet $ to pennies that some late night calls went through to the times editors.
Sure its their newspaper... but whats more important, Gonzales saying he accepts responsibility or the White House admiting that the President had some
direct involvement in this scandal.