They know the bill will get bogged down in an argument over Iran and they don't care. They'd rather see the Iraq withdrawal proposal fail than remove the contentious provision on Iran.
Those who want to see the Democratic leadership proposal succeed in the House will be more inclined to support the removal of the Iran provision from the bill and a direct focus on the underlying premise; to begin to withdraw our troops from Iraq.
I can't but help think that the same folks who've resisted this Democratic leadership compromise on Iraq are using the controversy over the removal of the Iran provision to indirectly affect the Iraq initiative and possibly doom it to failure. It would be a small matter to the constant critics of our Democratic leadership if it failed. They'd likely cheer it's failure. No matter to them that this compromise will be the most significant, binding rebuke from Congress to advance from the House since the beginning of the invasion and occupation four years ago.
Folks who are insisting on the inclusion of the Iran provision need to account for what that inclusion would do to the support for the underlying Iraq withdrawal initiative in the supplemental legislation, instead of just posturing like the Iran provision was our most pressing concern. I don't think those folks care at all about passing the Democratic compromise, and I think the tactic of insisting on including the divisive Iran provision in the bill to the point of launching protests against the Democratic leadership is despicable and self-defeating.