Because obviously since that's one of his goals, he will soon shortly be doing something about
I read this piece a couple days ago and I'm still pissed off. It's called "The Private War of Women Soldiers" and it was the subject of a long thread (and a couple of flamewars) here on DU. The summary is: women soldiers serving in Iraq have to contend, on top of everything faced by their male colleagues, with the constant threat of rape. Not at the hands of the enemy--at the hands of their fellow-soldiers. And commanding officers. It has gotten so bad that, according to one report, three women soldiers died of dehyrdration because they refused to drink liquids after coming off duty because they didn't want to have to go to the latrines after dark. Because women were getting raped at the latrines after dark. By their fellow soldiers. By their, presumably, heterosexual male fellow soldiers.
And commanding officers.
And nothing is being done about it. Other than to silence and punish those victims who are foolish enough to report sexual assault, that is.
Go read the article if you haven't. This situation is very ugly and very sickening and it puts anyone who reads it in a very painful position. We all support the troops, right? Well, what do we do when some of the troops are raping some of the other ones? Do we have to support the rapists as well as the victims? How exactly could you do both things at the same time? It hurts your brain, your gut, and your heart to even think about it; but that is not a reason not to face it. These women are serving their country the same way the men are. They should not be forced to put up with this shit in silence just so that the U.S. military doesn't have to be embarrassed in public.
I assume Pace considers rape to be as "immoral" as "an extramarital affair" or as, God forbid, consensual sex between two members of the same gender. Most people might consider it
more immoral. After all, it involves violence, violation, grievous physical trauma, and, often, PTSD. You'd think he'd be concerned that his straight officers and straight soldiers are doing this to their subordinates and fellow-soldiers.
You'd think. But you'd be wrong. Because after all, they're only women, and I guess Pace doesn't give a shit.
You know what, this gays-in-the-military thing has gone around since Clinton first tried to lift the ban in 1993. I've heard all the arguments and not one of them is worth the breath it would take to rebut it. Back in the 1990s it was all about "unit cohesion." Remember that? Allowing gay soldiers to get it on with each other would interfere with the communal homosocial bonding which is at the core of military life. Well, it doesn't look as if "don't ask, don't tell" is preserving that communal spirit--at least not if you ask the women Helen Benedict interviewed for "The Private War of Women Soldiers."
I don't want Pace to apologize to gay people. Shit, I'm old, I'm tough, I'm not stuck in the middle of Iraq. His bullshit doesn't directly affect me. It'd be nice if he would apologize to all the gay and lesbian soldiers he's insulting, but talk is cheap and it wouldn't materially affect their situation until the @#$! ban is lifted. But what he
absolutely ought to do, if he MUST shoot his mouth off about sexual immorality in the US military, is to make stamping out solider-on-soldier and commander-on-subordinate rape a top priority. It is absolutely unconscionable that women still have to serve in a climate where they can be harassed, coerced, and raped with impunity by any man who's depraved enough to do it. The military is hierarchical; these conditions are created from the top down. They could be changed. But apparently, it's much less important to protect women soldiers from sexual violence than it is to prevent GBLT soldiers from serving openly.
Whatever. Pace is who he is and he certainly doesn't care what we think of him. But I would like to think that someday, some other commander in chief might put someone into Pace's job who understands that rape is a bigger problem than consensual gay sex.
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